I, of course, had to capture this moment for all posterity. The ceremonial handing over of the knife. When H saw this picture, he said "Why am I making gay face?" Excellent question. This is why I love working here. Aside from our hilarious lunches or practical jokes or the actual good work we do here...we have characters. Chicken Little, Fast Eddie, Dutch Boy, Little Gay R...everyone has a nickname and they live up to that nickname. We are all just a little bit crazy and funny. This is why I posted my status update on facebook yesterday as thankful for the fun people I work with. After everything I write about work, I still come in every day and laugh. Thank God for characters. I used the word knife 7 times in this post. Obsessive?
What's even funnier about this is that the "Facilities Lady" later asked for the picture to file as evidence of the official knife transfer. It was a joke lady!! H
Now all you need is a photo of the handyman-for legal purposes
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