Friday, July 31, 2009
Is anyone happier than me that it is Friday? I think not.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
We are all gathered here today...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Seriously, what's your name again and how long ago did we know eachother?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Don't think just 'cause I'm small I can't take you down, vato!

I think I will have an affair with a trash collector just to make myself feel better.

Friday, July 24, 2009
I hope we weren't on a milk carton somewhere.
On the agenda for our Friday is Mexican food and a can it possibly get better? Tres Leches cake.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Chinamommy Rocks!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Oooh...shiny thing.
The jury is still out...
What do you want?!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Pain and loathing in San Antonio

Thursday, July 16, 2009
I'll get you my pretty and you're stupid microwave too!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
For he was a jolly good fellow.
Now this is progress....she said sarcastically.
If I am so anxious, why on earth did I just reserve "A Haunting in Conneticut" for tonight? Don't I realize this was based on a true story?!
I physically get anxiety about what is happening in the movie, what the hell? We went to see Transformers 2 and I loved it because I like stuff like that. But when this big ass decepticon came out and started killing people, my teeth started to chatter, my knees starting shaking and my heartbeat revved up. I had to mentally tell myself "THIS IS JUST A MOVIE, CALM DOWN K". Do you think I will be useless in an acutal emergency, God I hope not. I had the same thing happen during Angels and Demons, during the chase scenes. I knew what was going to happen, I read the book. I get all worked up like I'm in the damn movie! When did this happen? I don't get this much anxiety in real life and I think it's because I have no control over a movie. Having control is a big thing for me. I feel the need to control everything in my life, except my weight, obviously and we do not have time for this analogy. I am a huge list maker, ask H. I even make a list when I do a big house cleaning and I am anal! I actually write down very specific things like - scrub master tub, scrub guest bathroom tub, clean master sink, etc....why can't I just write down CLEAN BATHROOMS? Why do I even have to make a list? Because there is a small part of me that feels vindicated by crossing out what I just did. I am a sick woman.
Either I need to see a shrink or I need to stop going to the movies. I feel a little out of it today but when I came in this morning my desk was piled with crap I have to do with my three days here this week so I.DO.NOT.HAVE.TIME.TO.BLOG, yet I did. Did I tell you I'm also a rebel? Insert big sigh here and I'm off to actually do what they pay me to do here, work. But before I leave, you know what else I do? I analyze a movie to death. I wonder what the difference is between a prime and an autobot...if you haven't seen Transformers you will have no idea what I am talking about. I must know why and what for when it comes to a movie until my husband finally tells me "It was just a movie, it's not real". I am a barrel of laughs at a movie is what I am. Some days it is exhausting to be me.
Friday, July 10, 2009
What the hell...

A few weeks ago I decided that I was done with cursing. I didn't want to run the risk of offending anyone. I was worried that someone would feel bad because they heard me down the hall cursing up a storm at work.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Didn't I see this in Friday the 13th or some other bad horror movie?
I, of course, had to capture this moment for all posterity. The ceremonial handing over of the knife. When H saw this picture, he said "Why am I making gay face?" Excellent question. This is why I love working here. Aside from our hilarious lunches or practical jokes or the actual good work we do here...we have characters. Chicken Little, Fast Eddie, Dutch Boy, Little Gay R...everyone has a nickname and they live up to that nickname. We are all just a little bit crazy and funny. This is why I posted my status update on facebook yesterday as thankful for the fun people I work with. After everything I write about work, I still come in every day and laugh. Thank God for characters. I used the word knife 7 times in this post. Obsessive?
What do they call chinese food in China?
That is all.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Doing my part to help the national debt, even if it kills me.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Is one of us supposed to be the dog in this scenario and is it me??
From: D*** C***
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 2:53 PM
To: K
Subject: Please put a stop payment on check
You all make me nervous when you call… I am always worried I lost something J… please put a stop payment on check. Would you put the check in my box and I will personally give it to the landlord….ladies, thank you and have a good day….
From: K
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 3:18 PM
To: D*** C***
Subject: RE: Please put a stop payment on check
You should never get nervous! I just ask a lot of questions to make sure we have backup for everything, just doing my job. You know I'm just kidding with you when I act like you're in trouble, right? Trust me, I would never call and yell at you for anything. CALM DOWN WOMAN!
(Just kidding ;-p)
From: D*** C***
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 3:23 PM
To: K
Subject: Please put a stop payment on check
Hey, you’re the BIG dog in the house! When you call and say, “Hey D, this is K”, you have my attention and my heart is BEATING soooo FASTTTTTTT!!!!!! :-)
I know your kidding but I hate the thought of losing track of money, especially other peoples $$.
This e-mail cracks me up on so many levels. One, I think she just called me a dog but not just any dog. Note the way she capitilized BIG dog, so now I'm a fat dog. Two, why would she be nervous when I call her and three, she is the best employee we have and I truly adore her! I'm off to strike fear in to the rest of the employees here..
Fat Dog K
Oh good Lord, what day is this? Where am I? How did I get here and other things people say when they forgot what they were talking about...
GHOST CHILDREN OF THE OFFICE - Don't Fast Eddie and Michelle look like they are haunting the building? This is how we punish people at the office. We make you stand outside in the hot sun while we eat ice cream inside.
I have lost all sense of time. Off for 4 days and I am now too stupid to function. How did they handle time in the old days? I am so used to having computers, phones, watches, clocks everywhere telling me what time and what day it is, so how did they get stuff done in the old west? If you were going to say, meet a friend for lunch, when you were done plowing the field, how did you know what time to be there? Did you have to look at the position of the sun and thus burn your retinas? Did you just show up when you were hungry? What about Birthdays? If there was no calendar hanging up on the wall, how did you know when to bake a cake? Did school just start whenever they got there? I guess there were no tardies back then. Don't you ever wish you could go back in time just to find out this small stuff? I do, all the time. But just for a couple of hours because any longer and I would probably end up dead from sheer stupidity.
I would not be one of those people you want on a deserted island, trust me. I'm not really good with manual labor or building a radio out of a coconut. I can't build anything, I can't grow anything, I can't even sew a button. I'd be Gilligan. Not only would I never survive but I wouldn't want to. Which reminds me of the time H, Little Gay R and I were wondering what it would be like to be the last 3 people left on earth and what we would do. While H and I talked about where we would live, what we would gather to eat, Little Gay R decided he would go sightseeing. Because he has never seen the Grand Canyon or a beautiful beach so why not go in the off season? This is why H and I talked about killing him if it we were the last 3 left 'cause who wouldn't get irritated with some tourist taking pictures while we were trying to SURVIVE? Can you imagine having to look at his slide show while we are running out of food and water? Never once did we ask ourselves why on earth we would even be the last 3 people on earth.
I had absolutely no intention of writing about this when I got here and look at how easily I have gone off rambling about trivial shit. Welcome to the inner workings of my mind. No wonder my husband has selective hearing. Which reminds me. Little Red and I were talking about this boy she likes and oh, how she would turn a lovely shade of red if she saw this post. This boy, let's call him Rico Suave, is her first real "like" and they "made out" before she left for this visit. She is 17! While we were sitting in the dining room discussing boys and all that implies, Mr. Selective hearing over in the living room is all "WHAT? WHAT DOES MAKING OUT MEAN?!". Why, when I ask him to take the trash out, he tells me "I didn't hear you" but this he hears? Eavesdrop much? I need to find some time alone with Little Red to dish the dirt and let her know about boys. I'm quite sure it will go in one ear and out the other but I have to let her know or else I wouldn't be doing my duty.
Again, where am I going with THE POST THAT WILL NEVER END END END. Frankly, I see no end in sight and the more you complain, the longer it's going to get. We finally had thunder storms last night and we did what the trainer asked us to do. We took Max outside in the thunder and made him sit there with us. How unpleasant do you think this was for all 4 of us? We finally had to come back in when raindrops the size of pumpkins started to fall from the sky. We did this twice to make him face his fear and to help him realize that nothing bad will happen when thunder comes. I don't know if it helped, but it was thundering this morning and he was sound asleep, along with Big Red when I left for work. I can only hope that repeating this process will help him overcome his fear. I didn't feel good about doing it and I wanted to scoop him up in my arms and comfort him, but I held back and let him sort it out. Being a dog mom sucks sometimes.
Allow me to leave you with this picture I took yesterday at one of my favorite pizza places. I realize spelling and pluralization are not that important to you when you are probably only making $6 an hour but surely a manager wouldn't want this out on display for all to snicker at. It made me giggle. If anyone is still awake after reading this War and Peace of a post I wish I had something rewarding to leave you with but I don't. Hope you all had a lovely holiday and since I am only here for 3 days this week I am quite sure I will be back to waste more time. I am a spectacular time waster if I do say so myself.
Monday, July 6, 2009
We're famous! my own home.
It is amazing!

Sunday, July 5, 2009
What a yankee doodle dandy day!

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Are we there yet?

- My boss now looks darker than me, did she go get a tan? Why do white people want to look darker anyway? She also had on this really cute ring and all I wanted to know was where she got it from. I'm thinking Charming Charlie's.
- The clock in our conference room is 4 minutes slow...painfully slow.
- There are quite a few people that are walking by outside our building for it being 100 degrees outside. Where are they all going? It's not like we are located on Main Street.
- I loved the blouse Brittanica was wearing, it is so something I would buy for myself.
- I drank so much coffee this morning, I am now worried I will not be able to eat lunch because my belly is full of liquid.
- Speaking of lunch, where is Monkey Boy with our lunches? I haven't heard from H on when he was bringing it.
- Since one of my favorite bloggers talked about them today, do you think the three playboy bunny girls actually enjoyed sleeping with Hugh Hefner? I can't imagine it being fulfilling or sexy but maybe they really did love him?
Thank goodness it is technically Friday since we are closed tomorrow for 4th of July. My only goal right now is to cut out early today and go home and take a nap with my husband who has to work tonight. I'd say that's a pretty good goal. MONKEY BOY IS HERE WITH LUNCH!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
It tastes like dead squirrel