Sunday, December 21, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Grinchy much?

Friday, December 12, 2008
Weren't the Osmonds mormon? WTF is up with me and mormons?

Sunday, December 7, 2008
A date which will live in infamy

Friday, December 5, 2008
Great Expectations

Sunday, November 30, 2008
I thought it was gonna be plate lunches...

Saturday, November 29, 2008
The pie heard 'round the world

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tequila sunrise
I know the view isn't much to look at, what do you want? It's work! But the sky...the beautiful sky and all it's changing colors. It was pink, purple, orange, then blue...who wouldn't be thankful for a morning like this? I drove to work looking at this and smiling. It's not often I smile on my way to work. When I parked and got to the front door of the office I had to turn around and take a picture of this from my phone. I'm happy because it's a short day before a long weekend.
I plan to stuff myself with turkey, nap and make long, sweet love with my husband. Yes, I am aware I put eating before making love. A girl has her priorities. My mother in law is coming to stay with us for a couple of nights and I'm okay with that. At least we don't have to drive to Austin to see her.
Okay, I have to get some work done. I just wanted to stop and share for a moment before I dive head first in to work and forget everything else.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Have you ever had anyone named after you?
When I lived in Hawaii it was all about the ohana. There were guys always in the background but my strongest bond was with my cousins (mostly male). We got together every weekend and supported Budweiser. We could easily finish off cases and cases of beer and we frequently did. If you're not from Hawaii it's difficult to understand the relationships formed. Hawaii is EXPENSIVE! Which is why so many families live at home for many, many years and I was no exception. I had a cottage behind my parents main house since we lived on a big acre of land. This cottage was never locked because so much family came and went. It was never empty, even when I was at work, one or more of my cousins was asleep on the couch. These were good days and I never worried about going out and getting drunk because I was with my ohana and we always took care of each other.
Anyhow, back to my namesake. The time came when I got serious about someone (Big Red) and I decided to leave Hawaii to be with him. Only when I went home again this past week did I learn what a big deal this was. Apparently one of my brothers had called my cousins to action to do a background check on my future husband because they needed to find out who this guy was taking me away from my home! It was most traumatic for B because we were so close. So before I left home he got a puppy to replace me. As if one could. I found out last week that this dog is still alive and living with my other cousin F and doing fabulous! We are a hearty stock. B left Hawaii as well to live in his wife's home state up east. Most of us drifted away...it has been 12 years.
Many good things came out of going home for my grandmother's funeral...we celebrated her life and for the first time since I moved away all of us grand kids got together again to reconnect. We came from Virginia, Maryland, Texas, Idaho, California, Kauai, and the Big Island and this is exactly what she would have wanted. The night of the funeral we toasted to her and got old time drunk and spent the evening saying "remember when...". Man, I'm exhausted and need to get used to the time difference. Beer and I will be taking a brief vacation from one another for a while but I have no doubt we will see each other again in the very near future.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I dread this trip more than anything because I hate funerals, who doesn't? I just got done writing out the eulogy and now feel drained. I just want my life back to normal, is that selfish? I feel like it is. I spent all of last week sad and watched people around me suffer so this week I have not wanted to pause and think about all that. But tonight I got in to bed and pulled up the blanket that she made me and burst in to tears. So I come here to e-mail myself a to do list for work tomorrow so I won't think about it. So far, distraction not working.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Remember when young love was stupid?

He was attracted to me because I wasn’t Mormon, I was fun and dangerous ‘cause I was one of the girls who drank and wasn’t a virgin. Our relationship started out purely sexual and developed in to something more serious. We had 9 months of making love every night at the beach under the stars, and attending school functions where we got off on trying not to get caught making out in the bathroom.
Things got serious fast when he asked me to marry him and me being foolish and young, said yes. I remember my father saying “What does this boy have to offer you?! He’s not even from this country and has nothing!”. He was right but wasn't that really part of my attraction to him? Did I really think he could marry me since I wasn’t Mormon? The demise of our relationship came as a complete surprise to me when I found a receipt for wedding bands in his wallet and it wasn’t my name being engraved on one of them.
There was so much drama and emotion involved in that breakup and it was not a simple cut and dry. I can now admit it took me a full two years to get over that love. I could no longer listen to Gloria Estefan because we always listened to her when we had sex. I finally took him off my speed dial at work, stopped checking his horoscope in the paper, and stopped wondering how and if the marriage even worked out. She was Mormon.
That relationship really set the tone for all future relationships and for the longest time the biggest lesson I took from T was “screw them before you get screwed”. I’m not proud of that lesson and it eventually ruined most of my future relationships. What a shocker. But the end of that relationship was also the beginning of my second one, with one of his best friends. If it sounds like it was developed out of pure spite, you’d be right about that. But the story of Rebound guy is for another post at a later date when the meaning of “Revenge is a dish best served cold” never rang truer.
Is it just me?
This is why I touch everything with paper towels, I'm on the verge of becoming OCD about germs again and seeing things like this doesn't help. I tell ya sometimes it's hard to be me just 'cause I'm a tad neurotic.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Have you seen my maples anywhere?
The view was breathtaking until we realized that trail we saw was the one we needed to get down to in order to get out of here. Holy Hell we're only half way?! It's 5 miles! By now I'm thinking they should have donkey rentals up here to carry me down.
This was a long and rocky path downhill and by the time we got to the bottom I had passed out on a sunning rock. 5 miles can do that to a person. I kept thinking I was going to slip down this hell, oops I meant hill, and pick up so much speed that by the time I got to the bottom my clothes would have just been shredded all to pieces and I'd be a naked quivering mass of blood and bone.
Apparently, only the top of my head made it down to the water. Big Red and the rest of me caught up in time to snap this picture of us smiling because we were almost at the end of our 5 mile hike.
This hike was so beautiful and we need to take more drives to the Hill Country. All I kept thinking on the drive out there was why would anyone want to live in such a remote area? I get that it is gorgeous but damn! I complain all the time on how crowded S.A. is. How much traffic and new homes there are here, but give me an H.E.B. , Chinese food and Starbucks right down the street and all is forgiven.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What the?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Yes, this is now a dog blog, get over it!
Okay, so how fucking cute is this picture of Max holding on to his stuffed squirrel?! Notice how he slept with one eye open, always on guard over Pooter (the squirrel).He used to carry this thing around with him constantly until we finally had to throw it away because Nani ripped the shit out of it in a jealous rage. Left the cotton guts spread all over the living room one day and we had to console Max with a new toy.
Max with the latest love of his life, Hildy the Hedgehog. May they live a long and happy life together, at least until Nani gets a hold of it.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Having a good day?
From: K
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 11:13 AM
To: H
I am so frustrated today and back to hating all mankind! I wish I knew Spanish just so I could rattle off a string of obscenities at anyone who crosses my path. Beware the accountant today!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
6 months sober and down the drain for 99 cent beer
Fast Eddie looking down my shirt, it cracks me up!
Never mind the drunk couple with lampshades, look at my awesome cunt kicking boots!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Mexican Church Lady
You can't figure this out? Really?

Hi K,
I need your help again……………..(if you don’t mind)………..My current pay is $16.50/hr. I recently received a 3.2% raise, what would my current hourly pay be ???? J
Basic Math Idiot
Stupid Dept.
123 Main St. SAT 78249
Work: (800) 867-5309
Grouchy and mean,
Monday, October 13, 2008
You change your mind like a girl changes clothes

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Wanna ride?

Friday, October 3, 2008
Almost forgot...

Yeah, whateva'

What the fuck, Why the hell did K write so much and about lil’ ol’me?! I guess I do write the way I talk. Never noticed. Hmm. I guess I do. Yes. I do. I also write in short sentences. Maybe it is because I am not a writer like K. She is right, I have not written very often. I really haven’t had much to say that was entertaining. If you haven’t guessed or figured it out I am depressed, or should I say WAS depressed. It totally sucked but I am feeling better. I am not one of those Debbie Downers who is always depressed. First time, I swear. It was really situational and I think I just have to sort out some issues (ithues, if you will) about myself and my life.
I do love me some politics. I will venture to say that it runs in my blood. No I am not a Bush, Clinton, or a Kennedy! I am of the Cardona Clan of Central Texas though. Most of what K says is true. But if you really read the blog you will know that she doesn’t really tell us much about herself either! So I will do it today!
She is in her sort of early 40’s, has a great career, has two beautiful dogs (that she threatened to kill recently), and is in a very happy marriage to a big red man. She is very funny too. I also do not want to kiss my sister but I will tell you that K has recently lost a lot of weight and is really working on improving her health which is making her look great!
K is cranky most of the time regardless of where on the ladder she is. She is a total biacha that will ask the hard questions of everyone. She doesn’t care who you are. She even tells her boss how to do her job. It cracks me up. She likes for everyone to think she is a hard ass (and she is) but deep down (not so deep anymore) she is a total softie. Not unlike my belly.
I have to tell you that I do not own any of those labels that K said I love. I have one LV wallet because I refuse to pay $1000 for a man-bag. My partner on the other hand has all of those labels and wears them everyday. I am happy to buy them for him because he is great! K owns several Coach purses so shut the fuck up.
I do enjoy me some shoe shopping but so does K. She has a shitload of shoes and is dressing very ostentatious lately. I on the other hand have not purchased any new shoes lately. I am too fat for shoes. Seriously, I don't wear shoes.
I totally love to hang around with K because she makes me laugh and makes me happy when I fell like crap or am totally stressed. She is my most loyal friend and confidant. And yes, she is the top hag (today).
K reminds me of the older sister on designing women—Julia Sugarbaker! The one that you didn’t want to eva’ piss off because she would go off on you and tear you a new one (and not in a good way), K can kill you with words. She is a wordsmith and knows it./span>
By the way, I am Susan Sugarbaker.
If you were to judge her on her posts alone you would probably think she is more athletic but that is one of the last words I would use to describe her. Don’t get me wrong she is working out everyday. Even weekends people. She is a crazy health nut and I like that. I am very proud of her for eating healthy and working out. She still loves mayonnaise but doesn’t buy the tub at Costco anymore.
I love talking about the bad haircuts at work. I have a shitty haircut too but that is different. K has very little hair but what she has is beautiful. I totally love making fun of people with K. She has such witty comments and makes me feel funny. There is one person that I love making fun of. It is the Golden Girl herself. Her name is Teriyaki. She is one funny lady. From her hair to her shoes. It is all kinds of wrong. I so should draw a pic of her. I am laughing just thinking about it...
It is my day off, what am I doing sitting her typing all day?! I must go nap, bitches.

It was actually quite simple and now I feel like an idiot for not figuring it out earlier. Geez.
What do ya want? It's early.

- Palin's accent annoys me, it makes her sound like an extra in Fargo.
- Make her quit the "aw shucks" routine and I might like her more.
- Tina Turner just went on tour??!!? She's the same age as my dad?! I think the Golden Girls are opening for her.
- I love walking in the door at my gym and hearing "Hi K!", it makes me feel like I'm Norm from Cheers and they like having me there.
- Cubs lost again last night and my husband was in a foul mood. Don't worry, I made him feel better. :-).
- I couldn't sleep last night because I have so much work to do today so I got up and e-mailed a to-do list to myself. I am such an anal annie. (Do not take this literally)
- Celine Diva's son looks like a girl, is that a French Canadian thing?
- I just stopped typing for 3 minutes because Pink's "So What" came on the radio and I had to stop and sing along.
- I did not include this random time to blog on my to do list so now I am already behind.
- I only got two resumes this morning for my accounting assistant and the same person applied for H's job posting as well. These are two very different jobs, what makes you think you're qualified for both??
I gotta get to work, my desk looks like it threw up after a drunken finance party. Big sigh and I'm off to conquer the day. Where is our receptionist??!! I NEED COFFEE!
H, don't forget to feed Changita since I already cleaned up her poop.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Toot Toot
Funny thing is I'm not political, religious or gay but I get him and this is why we are friends. I have decided to tell you a little about H since we all know he NEVER talks about himself. He's in his 30's, has a successful career, drives a very nice Mercedes (which I adore), is in a happy long-term relationship and is funny as hell. I'd tell you he's not ugly but that would be like kissing my brother and who wants to go there? He can be a little OCD, is more cranky the higher he climbs the ladder at work, and he likes stuff (Burberry, Gucci, LV...you get the idea). He also knows how to make me laugh when I'm feeling down, is always up for going shoe shopping, and is the most loyal friend ever.
We've been friends ever since we started working together back in 2001 and our friendship has changed over the years. H has many hags for different stages and events in his life. He has the long distance hag, the old high school hag, the pregnant hag, etc...I am the top hag, the main hag, the mama hag if you will. The hag to trump all others or so I like to believe. We talk about many things we don't even tell our spouses about (especially things about them) and we talk every day. When I read some of his posts I think "Wow, what the fuck?" After all, I am the one who gets on his ass about not posting more often and when he finally does it's a doozy. It's a rant or demented but always entertaining for me because he blogs like he talks and I like that.
If you were to judge him on his posts alone you would probably think he is more serious but that is one of the last words I would use to describe him. He is more of my partner in crime at work. We like the practical jokes, unfortunately not every one does which is why not every one gets us. We like putting peoples possessions in the vending machine or freezer, writing little notes on stupid signs people post, and tearing labels off canned goods and leaving them in a random employee's box to figure out what it is. We make faces at each other when someone spouts off stupidity during boring staff meetings or write notes to each other about the awful page boy haircut someone just got or the hideous golden girl shoes someone is wearing at said meeting. Which to me is funny since we both have very serious positions at work. I'm sure if you ask other employees they would say we are very capable, smart or hard-working. But while we are "meeting" in my office with the door closed we are planning how best to fuck with someone who has irked us and feign disgust on who could have done this??!! The best thing about us is that while we laugh at other people, we make fun and laugh at ourselves even harder.
There is so much more I could tell you but this is already too long and I am way tired. I love to write - I especially love to write about people and H is the person I chose to write about tonight so suck it H. He is off on a Friday and I hate him for it. I have to eat with the GEW tomorrow (the gay jew who still makes me laugh) and we are planning to talk about H for the whole 2 hour lunch we plan on taking.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sushi fever

Kind of odd but maybe not. Recently, I have been attracted to Japanese men. Yes, Japanese. We