Fast Eddie looking down my shirt, it cracks me up!
Never mind the drunk couple with lampshades, look at my awesome cunt kicking boots!
Aaron, our wonderful waiter, who regretted the moment he told us his name because we kept yelling it all night.
Yes, 6 months without going out and getting drunk...and it all went down the drain in one hazy evening. I meant to blog about this earlier but it has taken me this long just to get over Friday night.
After 6 months of sobriety it's amazing how drunk you can get on only three 99 cent Bud Lite's. I can't lie, I laughed, I had fun and it had been too long. I even took some people down with me, namely H. It was worth it just to see these crazy faces and hear everyone laugh.
Too bad Mother Teresa had to leave early and then we lost the lovely gay couple of Roman and Stephan because they had to go eat "Pecking Duck" at some birthday party at one of R's old lovers. Now I am not stupid like Roman but he insisted this is how you pronounce Peking duck! So we were left with the four of us and Fast Eddie insisted on going dancing at the Heat. It was only 9 p.m. and gay clubs don't really get going until midnight but there was Fast Eddie and Myshell out there on the dance floors doing moves I haven't seen since the 80's. H and I believe they were trying to work out all the sexual tension they have for each other.
Anyway, I had a blast and realize I am so old that it takes me a whole weekend to recoup from this kind of shit. Big Red and I drove out to Canyon Lake and it was gorgeous out, not a cloud in the sky and a chill was in the air. Then we came home and napped because that is what old people do.
1 comment:
everyone needs a break every now and then
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