Wednesday, September 30, 2009
What a beautiful day...if I put it out there it will come, right?

Monday, September 28, 2009
Reason #691 why I should stop drinking coffee.

I don't like being stared at.

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Have you ever messed up at work?

Please enjoy the following e-mail about my major *&#% up at work.
From: K
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:44 AM
To: H
OMG! I just realized not only did I &%#* up July's cash balance but
I never reconciled July bank account at all! I just realized it when I was getting ready to balance our August bank balance!
Epic failure. I am packing my desk up._________________________________________
From: HTo: K
wow, what have you been doing? Karma for not sharing your granola bar?__________________________________________
From: K
To: H
I feel like a complete failure right now. This is so unlike me to forget something this huge. My head actually hurts.
No wonder the auditor came and asked me for the July bank statement. D and I are just like "Why doesn't she just look in the bank reconciliation folder she took??". HELLO? Earth to K.
My boss actually laughed at me.______________________________________________
We are knee deep in an audit at work and yesterday was the first day I felt really stressed about it. My boss is the most laid back person and never stresses out, thank goodness she just took this mess up in stride. How did I forget to balance our checkbook for two months in a row? In the past my reaction to a stressful day would have been to medicate with comfort food but I didn't. I went home and we had veggie tacos and it was delicious! At least something went right, it's almost Friday. Repeat mantra.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Nothing good on TV, huh?
I have no idea why Max was left at the altar, who wouldn't love this? Okay, maybe he does look a little crazy...ever so slightly.
I often wonder why people read this blog. If you have a blog, don't you wonder? I wonder why they come back too. If they come often, I wonder why they don't comment. Is it because they are shy? Indifferent? Bored? Shocked? Lurking? I read a few blogs, mostly because they are funny. I get to know someone and am interested in their lives and what makes them tick. I'm naturally curious.
I wish I knew why you come here, so I could know what to write about. I would tell you how I totally Kate Gosselin'd (yes, I am using her as a verb now) my husband at Target but it's too embarrassing for me and I would hate for people to think I'm a bitch...though I sometimes can be.
I would tell you that we went hiking this weekend and my body still hurts but that's really just complaining.
I would tell you that H and I had lunch today...just the two of us and it was nice. We realized we miss this sometimes because our normal lunch crowd can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. It's like too much stimulation for one person to handle. We Kanye each other a lot. You know, interrupt, constantly tag team with lightning speed, speed joke, if you will. Yes, I am using Kanye as a verb now, too.
We also made the following observations:
Chicken Little needs to retire and volunteer at a church.
Crazy maintenance man eats very loudly, makes weird noises, and listens to our conversations. Awkward much?
H thinks my husband is a saint for STILL being married to me, I prefer to think he is entertained by me.
See? Nothing to say, why are you still here??!
Friday, September 18, 2009
In this case, two is the loneliest number.

Did I tell you my parents are moving away? Maybe I did, I can't remember. My parents? They like to move. They move wherever there is a child. Papa truly is a rolling stone in this case, and so is mama. I am here in Texas and I guess they are over me now and want to move on to the next child. That would be my youngest brother in Idaho. They just invited me out to dinner one night and asked me "How would you feel about us moving to Idaho?". Really, what could I say...don't go? They are adults and my first reaction was happiness, because I love Idaho too. It's gorgeous there and more like a small town then a big city.
This was one month ago and I went to their house this weekend and EMPTY! They have sold off almost everything and are leaving in October. WHAT? My parents do not jack around people. When they say it, they mean it. Granted, we scored some good stuff they did not want to take with them, but now I am so sad. It was just a statement before, I thought they meant eventually, not next month. We spend every holiday at their house. Correction, we SPENT every holiday at their house. We didn't make our own turkey on Thanksgiving or even put up a tree at Christmas...why bother, we spent all that time with my parents.
I feel like an orphan, is that just a tad too dramatic? I am still happy for them, that they are moving someplace safer and smaller. I know my brother will keep them busy with the restaurant and this is what they need. I also know I am being totally selfish with my feelings and in no way will tell them how I really feel, but I dread the day they drive away and I have to say goodbye. I already tear up just thinking about it. I will be a mess and my husband will be left to clean it all up. I'm quite sure divorce will cross his mind once or twice, after I have cried on his shoulder one too many times.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
GET THE fuck OUT!!!
OMG! or ADM!
I was dancing and trying on clothes that was too damn big. I was listening to Alejandro Fernandez and enjoying myself. Yippee!!
My first thought was...
My third thought was I hope he posts more because I am going to bizzy next week. AUDIT...run for your lives, people! I am going to be one sorry sight, but I am ready for it. I think.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Beyonce had the best video of all time!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hold on a second...

Just take one day at a time and I don't mean that 1980's Valerie Bertinelli show.

Monday, September 14, 2009
Kanye West can suck it

Saturday, September 12, 2009
K is annoyed again? So unlike me.
1. Our new payroll company sending me a packet of forms with ten million little signature flags, with no explanation on what exactly these forms are for.
2. Having to reconcile time off accruals with our old payroll company and noticing that 60% of the balances are wrong.
3. Trying to reconcile said balances and no longer having access to their system.
4. One of our long term employees has worked here over a decade and still doesn’t know how to lock our front door? I would really like to be secure in the knowledge that at 7 a.m. the front door is locked behind us and not worry about being killed by some crazy person. That would make for a bad day.
5. The fact that because of the technological advances of having all my phone numbers stored in my cell phone, I can no longer remember one damn number by heart. This forces me to dig out my cell phone to find a number when I want to use my work phone.
6. A company function that I have been asked to attend even though I really don’t have the time or interest to do so.
7. My assistant being out for a week and having to defend her right to be out to my big bosses, even though I’m not that thrilled about it either.
8. The fact that our new medical plan has no co-pays, yet I have two employees that were charged co-pays on their latest office visit.
9. The fact that I made a to-do list on Monday and have only crossed off 3 things from the list of 14.
10. Drinking too much coffee has been making me sick lately but when I am feeling stressed, I need to drink coffee.
11. Jon Gosselin trash talking his wife on the morning news. I don’t like her that much either but you’re the one that stuck around and had 8 kids with her, stop whining about it You do know your kids are old enough to be hurt by this stuff, right?
12. The fact that I am so anal that I have to make a list of the things that annoyed me today.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
No new updates? Now that's just laziness.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sometimes I just need an ocean to remind me
Today my husband and I decided to drive down to Corpus Christi simply because we have never been there before. Growing up in Hawaii, you can understand why some days I just really miss the ocean. You know what gets me, though? Why EVERYONE feels compelled to tell me that Corpus Christi is ugly. "It's not going to look like Hawaii". No shit, Sherlock. I would never expect any place, but Hawaii, to look like Hawaii, you know what I'm saying? Do I sound bitter, because I don't mean to be. Just let me go look at an ocean and form my own opinion, okay?
Anyway, they were right, it's ugly...hideous. No, no, it wasn't as bad as I thought. The water wasn't as dirty as I expected and had the sun actually made an appearance, it would have probably been less gloomy.
I'm so glad we were both able to take some time off work to reconnect. While this may not have been a trip back home, just seeing the ocean, any ocean, makes me realize how small my problems can be.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The day the randomness ended.
Michelle got very defensive about her bike riding skills and the defense shield was up for the rest of what was a very short lunch. Needless to say, I don’t think they will still be doing a duathalon together. The following is the e-mail that followed lunch.
From: Michelle
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 1:33 PM
To: K; Little Gay R; H
Sorry for being so defensive. I blame Little Gay R for
From: Michelle
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 1:39 PM
To: H; K; Little Gay R
Sorry Little Gay R, you had to be the scapegoat in this
one. That will teach you to call me slow!
Little Gay R’s response?
No worries. Making me the scapegoat, however, doesn’t diminish the fact that you're a slow bike rider. Even if you were the slowest bike rider in the world, though, I’d still turn around and wait for you.
Awkward much? They have worked everything out but H and I were only too happy to share some advice with them regarding having a work spouse. This is why after 8 years, Kugo is still going strong. We do not throw each other under the bus nor do we point out the others faults in front of everyone else. We are loyal above all else. When will the duo formerly known as Moman ever learn? Kids today.
Dance your ass off!