Some brainless person burned their lunch in the kitchen yesterday and it was awful. Whose office do you suppose is right next to the kitchen? The stench was unbearable yesterday. It burned my eyes, nose and throat and even through my closed door, after lysol, I could still smell it. You ever smell burned popcorn? Multiply this by 10.
I walk in today and it is still here and my nose has started burning and I am coughing. What the hell? What did she kill in that kitchen yesterday? It's bad enough having allergies but put this on top of it and I am thinking of calling it a day at 7:45 a.m. Too soon?
Today is Big Red's birthday. How fortune that today is the day my favorite person in the world was born. I can't wait to spend the evening with my baby. Happy Birthday, my love.
Who was it?
I have found that Fabreeze really works...or you can create a stink of your own.
I have the nose of a Bloodhound, it causes me much "pain". I hate stink...and over done perfume.
Baking soda, open a box and sprinkle it in the oven or microwave or everywhere if you want to.
Thank you, Baby. I had a great time yesterday.....even when you caught me peeking at my presents. :-)
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