So last night we had to take the little P to the vets around 7:45pm, He had thrown up twice and was just not acting right. He usually runs out to greet us and jumps and cries to be picked up. He runs around, back and forth, wanting to play. Not yesterday, when R got home he slowly walked out of his bed and just stood there. His breathing was a bit shallow and labored. So R took him in to the vets and I met him there since I was still at the office.
I got there a bit after 8pm and we stayed until about 9:30pm. They did blood work, squeezed him, checked his poop, and everything was normal. The doc was not sure what was going on with the little P. The doc said he may have an obstruction but wasn't sure. Everything checked out ok so the doc asked us to take him home to see how he would wake up. We brought him home and he slept with us and hardly moved. I am not really sure how much he slept. When I would wake up to check on him he was awake and his breathing was weird.
R just dropped him off at the vets right now and the doc is on his way in to check on him again. I am so worried about him. There is obviously something wrong. He is not acting right and his breathing is just not right. I wish R had stayed with him! I have to go drop off the sister at the airport at 9am so I couldn't go stay with him. Now we just have to wait until the doc calls.
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