Let me start of by telling you what we had planned this weekend. We actually did go out on Saturday to a workshop at the Apple store. We learned all these cool little features about our mac that I may or may not find useful. The guy at the genius bar finally fixed my e- mail problem and also helped us solve our wireless printer issue, he really was a genius. Then we headed off to shop for Big Red. He has a business trip in Vegas (business in Vegas is really pushing it, don't you think?) and he has dropped some major poundage since he started running. We had to get him a business casual wardrobe and it was actually quite fun. He looked majorly hot! Sucks that he is wearing all these clothes for the first time without me because I have to stay behind for school :-(. Shoes were a little harder, he has huge banana boat feet and he can be hard to fit. After a little texting with H (the gays always know good shoes), we were steered in the right direction and found him 3 pairs of shoes! I only bought one pair for myself and I wore them for the first time yesterday and stepped in poop. Great.
We had all these fun plans on Sunday to go to New Braunfels for Wurstfest - sausage on a stick, funnel cake, caramel apples, roasted corn - we got dressed, printed out maps and even checked the weather channel. Thunderstorms in the afternoon, we can beat the rain, it's only 10 a.m. Opened the front door and like a cartoon the rain fell out of the sky like a hurricane a coming. Lightning and thunder for added effect...nice. All dressed up and no place to go. Wouldn't you know it was the last day for Wurstfest and we missed it. As soon as the rain eased up a bit we went grocery shopping and rented movies so we could snuggle under a blanket while it stormed outside. It turned out to be quite the relaxing day but a little bummed we couldn't go hang with the Germans and their beer and sausage.
I decided to do a before and after in pictures. H is thinner and Little Gay R looks unhappier. Breakups suck.
It's a wonder I get any work done, having to be the company photographer all day.
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