Friday, October 30, 2009
Oh the highs and the lows

Monday, October 26, 2009
Many secrets to shred

Friday, October 23, 2009
Nani Maka

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I am not a racist!

I have now lost 47 lbs and a lot of my old clothes don’t fit me. Most of my “skinny clothes” also don’t fit me. I went shopping for pants but had a really hard time with the length. Usually I purchase 30 as the length but this time I bought 32 because the 30 seemed too short. Maybe I am getting taller! Actually Fast Eddie sort of measured me and found out that I may only be 5’10’ instead of 5’11” like I thought I was. I will ask my doc to measure me next time I am there.
Anyway, I bought 6 new pants a couple of weeks ago when I was in
It actually smelled like an Indian restaurant in the shop I went in to yesterday.
Why they hell are they so expensive too? I left there spending $65 and I won’t get them until next Tuesday!! I have like 4 pants to wear for the next 7 days.
I have also developed a fear of tucking in my shirt. I used always tuck in my shirt! When I was at the gym was the only time my shirt wasn’t tucked in. I would even tuck in t-shirts with the soft work out short if I went to ther store. I hated being untucked then I got fat and didn’t feel comfortable tucking. I am a mess.
Let this be a lesson to all you fatties…losing weight creates other problems.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Hair today, gone tomorrow.
You see, I don't have the easiest hair to manage, or that much of it to play around with. It has been thinning for years and Sebastian waved his magic wand and tada! It's not even about how it looks so much now, its the fact that it just feels so much better. Thank goodness my husband didn't blow a gasket when I told him how much it was. He knows that if I'm happy, he's happy. Smart man.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I have a dilemma

Mac or PC? I know, riveting stuff. I've been a PC girl all my life but I went to the Apple store (big mistake) and fell in love with a MAC. All the stuff it can do and how it feels. I really need one for school and I also found out I can get a discount with my school ID. Macs are pricier that's for sure but the 7 hour battery life...what to do, what to do. Too busy mulling it over to write more.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I think my sparkly red shoes are out of order because this just isn't home.

Tonight I feel very melancholy. We went to my parents house to pick up some stuff they left behind. It was very big and empty and it's always been full of good smells and conversation. Max enjoyed running all over the hard wood floors and sliding in a big and empty space. He wasn't usually allowed to be in there for too long because he was just too hyper to stay in their house. Standing in that house, for possibly the last time, I remembered all the times I had been there. I have been in and out of that house since I was 19 years old and my grandparents lived there.
When I moved away from home for the very first time after school, it was to that house. I spent the first Christmas, after my grandmother died, in that house with my lost grandfather and sad mother. When my parents moved in, after both my grandparents were gone, that house was full of Hawaii family that visited us in Texas. When my husband and I got married and moved to Texas, this was the first house we lived in before buying our own. Every single holiday that Big Red and I have spent here in Texas has been celebrated in that house with my parents. That house has been a part of my life for over 25 years and the thought of strangers renting it out and not knowing all of this made me sad.
I know it sounds ridiculous to shed tears over something like this, but there you have it. In the back of my mind I keep thinking after one winter in Idaho, they will be back. This is why they rented it out instead of selling it, right? Lord, let it be a cold Christmas in Boise because I miss my mommy and daddy.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Life goes on...
Sunday dawned rainy and cold, I loved it. We had planned to go to the Botanical gardens but it was so ugly outside we decided to go to a movie instead. We drove away from home and it started raining even harder so we went to McDonald's and bought coffee and cookies and went home instead. Good thing we did because look what greeted us.
Yep, that's right, Max. He had knocked over the laundry basket blocking the doggy door and figured out how to open said doggy door and wiggle out. I would say he is too smart for his own good but while he could figure out how to get out, he could not figure out how to get back in and was locked out in the rain and mud. Big Red had to pick him up and carry him to the tub where he promptly got a bath. Good thing we came home.
We ended up renting movies and since it was so cold outside I bought one of these too.
Laugh if you must but I am a Snuggie convert. We laugh at the stupid infomercials but I'll be damned if the damn thing didn't keep me warm and let me eat popcorn at the same time. Red and I took pictures of me using the phone, reading a book,etc... all the things they do in the commercials. We laughed but I stayed warm. Don't you just love how I blend right in to my couch?
We ended up trying to go out again that night but the line for Paranormal Activity was so long we went out to dinner instead. We were finally able to go see the movie on Monday morning and I wasn't as impressed as I thought I would be. Big Red got sick and had to leave the theatre, he doesn't like hand held camera work like the Blair Witch Project. It wasn't really worth it but we only paid $5 so we didn't feel so bad. Too much hype maybe. We also tried a new breakfast place, Einstein Bros. Bagels. Damn good coffee and delicious bagels. Go try it!
My parents are great and laughing it up in Vegas as we speak, I've talked to them twice and miss them but they are having a good time. Meanwhile, back in Texas life goes on and I go along with it. Back to the grind, wish I had some of the Vanilla Hazelnut coffee from Einstein Bros. right now. Still raining, do you ever wish for something and then regret it?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Bluer than blue
I just watched my parents tail lights drive on down the road, without me. They moved away today and I am feeling so down. I think I have been in denial about their move until today. Yesterday my dad called me at work to ask me if I wanted ketchup. Ketchup? Yes, ketchup, they were cleaning out their fridge. I could hear my mom in the background yelling "Ask her if she wants the olives too". He called me back later to ask me if I wanted their steak knives. My parents are a regular comedy duo, those two.
They spent their last night at our house and we had a good dinner and sat around the table and talked. I miss them so much already. As soon as I saw the tears in my moms eyes this morning, I knew it was going to be a rough goodbye. I'm quite sure Big Red and I will be visiting them quite often but just the fact that they won't be five minutes down the street anymore is agonizing. As much as I complained about the little stuff, and as happy as I am that they are moving closer to my baby brother, a small part of me is selfish and wish they had stayed.
These upcoming holidays will either suck or be wonderfully different. I've grown up having so much family around me all the time and now it will just be the two of us. I hope Big Red is ready for all me, all the time. I think I hear him rolling his eyes already.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Just because your phone has a camera, it doesn't mean you should use it for that!

Monday, October 5, 2009
Oh yeah, we forgot to pay you...

Friday, October 2, 2009
Maybe this positive energy stuff actually works.