Okay, I have a problem and don't know what to do about it. Kona has now been with us for a month and he is very calm. Side note: I don't want to push my luck but he seems to have caught on with the whole potty training thing. One can only hope. He still eats like a fat man at a buffet. Does he think he will never get another meal? Is is because he was a shelter dog and never got enough food? We have at least six bags of treats at home and we spoil them like they are royalty so I just don't get it. The treats have cause him to gain weight so we will have to start walking him. He is just like his mama.
Anyway, this past week Max has been humping Kona non-stop. I mean doggy porn all the time. Poor Kona eventually just lays down and sleeps or pretends to sleep. Kona tries to pee and here comes Max going to town on him. I have never really seen this kind of behavior from Max before but it is getting on my last nerve. It's like a window show in Amsterdam. So Max has an appointment this Thursday to trim the berries off the tree. The vet has been telling us for years to do it but we have put it off for as long as we can. I don't know why, it makes me feel bad to mess with his whole manhood vibe.
It was another awesome weekend and I'm quite sure another one is right around the corner since it is a long weekend and I am taking some time off. The contractors finished our fence and backyard lanai and will be starting on our fireplace and guest bathroom. How relaxing can it be when contractors will be stomping in and out and pounding on things? I just want to get it all over with and have my home back again.
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